In the Land of Harmony

About Me Home Page In the Land of Harmony Romantic Renaissance Cupid's Arrow

Where the only way to exist is to love...

In this land I am known as the Mistress of Words but my name is Raven. I love to write because it is my passion. I am currently writing a book called In the Land of Harmony which combines the plots of all my drafts of other stories together. I will post a short summary of this story up so you can check it out.
Since I am contributing this site to my works of art, I will be posting quotes from characters in my books on here. In the Land of Harmony is where they live. This is the land where they can roam free. Free from the pains of a heartbreak or the chaos of their worlds. Here, in the land of harmony, they are one.
Okay I am a bit dramatic but all writer's are. If you are a writer than you understand. This is what I want to do when I grow up. When you love something, then it exists. Which means that it is the dream that keeps you existing.
All in all, writing is what I live for.

Hope you enjoy my site,


Raven a.k.a Mistress of Words



My Contact Information

In the Land of exists